Monday, 16 January 2012

Famous master Archan Thep Back to Siamarts!!! (26 Jan - 4 Feb) (Free chinese wealth god amulets)

Chinese New year season, the great Archan thep is back here in Siamarts from 26 Jan to 4 Feb,
He will be receiving the chinese god of fortune and wealth into Siamarts and will blessed everyone to have unlimited riches to be accumulated with time for the dragon Year 2012. 
If you miss out on the blessing by this great monk previously, now you can catch him in Siamarts with more newly made amulets and special blessing conducted by him.

Services available:

1. Lersi head blessing for good luck or amulets and sakyant blessings
鲁士灌顶加持 -助运气人士 或 佛牌/泰国纹身增福 -

2. 5 piece gold foil nanathong & salika blessing + Lersi head blessing
贴金箔 –五片 (哪哪童) 和鲁士灌顶加持

3. 9 piece gold foil nanathong & salika blessing + Lersi head blessing +
贴金箔 –九片 (哪哪童) 和鲁士灌顶加持

4. 15 piece gold foil nanathong & salika blessing + Lersi head blessing +
贴金箔 -十五片 (哪哪童) 和鲁士灌顶加持

5. Special Candle for (3 specially chanted candles ) Tian serm duang
(increase luck & overcome obstacles)
特别蜡烛仪式 (三只蜡烛) (田僧吨) -助运气 与克服困难建

6. Special ritual for enhancing luck and fortune ser dok kor
特别念经助运气 与克服困难建

7. Special ritual salika done on teeth for super persuasion and attraction for sales , business and love.
特别 salika 法在牙齒助好運氣,說服,銷售和業務運氣

8. Change of line at palm to enhance fate and fortune

9. Special Sakyant Yant dok bua flower for open good luck, charming and wealth
特别经文刷超增人缘, 和 开富翁财运

10. Special eating of pill loop om Jin na ma nee for increase good luck, gambling and wealth luck.
(most suitable for this year chinese new year)
特别吃神奇药丸 jin na ma nee 增加好运气,赌博和财富运气

Package A

Super ritual for increase luck, metta and wealth ( 特别起运与获取财富大法 )

• 15 piece gold foil nanathong & salika blessing + Lersi head blessing
贴金箔 –十五片 (哪哪童) ,金舌人缘鸟加持 (沙力加) 和鲁士灌顶加持

• Special ritual for enhancing luck and fortune ser dok kor
特别念经助运气 与克服困难建

• Sakyant chinese wealth god heart yantra on palm for catching and holding wealth

• Customize Takrut to one's birth date for increase luck, metta and wealth

Package B

Maximum power Super ritual for increase luck, metta and wealth (特别起运与获取财富大法 )

• Sakyant famous yant dok bua flower for good luck , wealth and getting rid of all bad things
特别经文刷超增人缘, 女人缘和富翁财运

• 21 piece gold foil nanathong & salika blessing + Lersi head blessing
贴金箔 –二十五片 (哪哪童) ,金舌人缘鸟加持 (沙力加) 和鲁士灌顶加持

• Special ritual for enhancing luck and fortune ser dok kor
特别念经助运气 与克服困难建

• Sakyant chinese wealth god heart yantra on palm for catching and holding wealth

• Change of line at palm to enhance fate and fortune

• Special Candle for (1 customize specially chanted candles ) Tian serm duang
(increase luck & overcome obstacles)
特别蜡烛仪式 (三只蜡烛) (田僧吨) -助运气 与克服困难建

Package  C

Maximum power Super ritual for increase luck, metta and wealth plus special (特别起运与获取财富大法 )

• Sakyant famous yant jin na ma nee and yant ku for gambling luck, wealth and business luck.
著名的纹身jin na ma ne助赌运, 财富和商业运气

 Special eating of pill loop om Jin na ma nee for increase good luck, gambling and wealth luck.
(most suitable for this year chinese new year)
特别吃神奇药丸 jin na ma nee 增加好运气,赌博和财富运气

Special ritual salika done on teeth for super persuasion and attraction for sales , business and love.
特别 salika 法在牙齒助好運氣,說服,銷售和業務運氣

• 21 piece gold foil nanathong & salika blessing + Lersi head blessing
贴金箔 –二十五片 (哪哪童) ,金舌人缘鸟加持 (沙力加) 和鲁士灌顶加持

• Special ritual for enhancing luck and fortune ser dok kor
特别念经助运气 与克服困难建

• Sakyant chinese wealth god heart yantra on palm for catching and holding wealth

See all past events of Archan thep at:

Book an appointment now for more information, pls contact or visit Siamarts at:

Special promotion for Chinese new year event:

Archan thep will FREE one chinese god of fortune amulet to every Devotees upon any blessing services

Archan thep blessed this god of fortune amulets at asupicious day best for million luck.

The chinese equates inviting these powerful wealth gods home as a tiny investment to gain big windfall.
This God of fortune amulet will definitely be important for those seeking to multiply their wealth abundantly, by magnifying their speculative affairs such as lotteries, 4-digits, football bets, horse racing and the stock market. Having his presence at home or wearing it everyday is especially crucial for those who want excellent windfall and gambling luck.

limited to only 100 pieces only. (Free one piece per person)

Amulet brought over by Archan thep

kumanthong bucha best for wealth and windfall luck.

khun pean prai ka sit (limited pieces)

mae nang pom hom

Limited pieces while stock last for Archan thep amulets.
149 Rochor Road #03-23 Fu Lu Shou Complex Singapore 188425
Open Daily (11am - 8pm)
Tel: 96510220